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Vox Populi

In a disruptive, uncertain time, distressed situations present opportunities to acquire assets at bargain prices.
When structured and executed correctly, private equity can be a powerful vehicle for change at a time when change is what the healthcare system needs.
Sponsors are facing direct exposure and liability as a result of increased scrutiny by the Department of Justice and other enforcement agencies.
Coronavirus has impacted all merger-and-acquisition activity, but it has impacted carve-outs even more.
The sophisticated sponsor knows that even prior to covid, PPMs were beginning to show sizeable cracks.
The dramatic rise in telehealth has created many PE investment opportunities, but many of these changes won’t survive the pandemic.
This is the year when technology changes from being an enhancement to the PE process to being an inseparable part of it.
Thomas Friedman recently argued that “the coronavirus will create a new historical divide: before-Corona (BC) and after-Corona (AC).”

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