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Firms and Funds

The venture capital industry has seen it all in the recent past enormous enthusiasm for “anything dot com”, highly leveraged management buyouts (MBO) and management buy-ins (MBI) and the rush to exploit emerging opportunities. Almost by definition the venture capital (VC) industry is a disciple of change. If an attitude of “steady as she goes” […]
Switzerland’s Vontobel Group in August launched 5E Holding (5E), a quoted fund-of-funds targeting Central and Eastern Europe. 5E, which stands for Excellence in Eastern European Emerging Equity, seeks to raise CHFr 250 million to CHFr 350 million (ecu 150 million-210 million). The offer was scheduled to close at the end of August. 5E will seek […]
City of London Investment Group plc (City of London) aims to raise up to $200 million (ecu 180 million) for an emerging markets fund-of-funds. The Emerging Markets Special Opportunities Fund (EMSOF) will acquire interests both in hybrid funds – quoted vehicles which take stakes in both public and unlisted stocks in emerging markets – and […]

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